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May 15, 2005

Conflict of Interest

Saturday's Record Eagle reported, "the newly appointed commissioner might have a conflict of interest." You think? What puzzles me is why the Record Eagle did not print this "possibility" prior to the dog-and-pony show of Thursday, May 5th, when after several interested contestants were interviewed for the appointment, there was only one nomination.

We are talking about Jack Boynton, whom most people knew was running for the appointment at least a week ahead of time, as did the City Commission. His law firm partner owns the West Front Street property, which is up for sale for a massive redevelopment project. This topic is up for discussion at the upcoming Monday (May 16) Commission Meeting.

Even if Jack Boynton were not allowed to vote on this subject, because of the financial connection to him and his law firm, the appearance of influence is clear. I cannot understand how he was appointed, and as I stated in my last post, I like Jack Boynton.

In the meantime, his appointment and the upcoming agenda bring to mind the treatment of Commissioner Melichar over the brick power plant building. She was barred from closed session meetings, she was berated constantly and accused of being a dues-paying member of a group advocating for saving the building. The City Attorney accused her of lying in a deposition, and accused people who knew her of being in cahoots. One person had to hire an attorney in answer to a subpoena asking that emails from her, many of which had nothing to do with the power plant, be handed over to the City Attorney.

What about Jack Boynton's "group?" His advocacy? His financial interest? His emails?

Once again, these Commissioners favor only those in agreement. Anyone else should fasten his or her seatbelt.

Posted by Gadflygirl at May 15, 2005 03:25 PM


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